
Center for Empowerment NIWAP Webinar Series

  • Date: 03/31/2022 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM  

A two-part virtual series along with an outside partner, NIWAP (National Immigrant Women's Advocacy Project) Thursday March 31, 2022 and April 7, 2021 10:00 – 11:30 AM.

Part 1: Best Practices to Support Immigrant Victims, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System

Part 2: Legal Rights of Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief, Public Benefits, and Protection Orders

Description: Victim advocates, attorneys, justice system, and other professionals play a crucial role helping immigrant survivors of domestic violence, child/elder abuse, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking gain access to justice and the full range of services and assistance they are legally entitled to receive. This webinar will provide an overview of the paths to legal immigration status for survivors of crime and abuse. It will also detail how filing for immigration relief expands access to publicly funded benefits and services for immigrant victims and their children in New Jersey. Participants will build skills to identify the benefits for which immigrant victims qualify and best practices for accompanying immigrant survivors applying for benefits they or their children are eligible to receive. In addition, the webinar will address the VAWA confidentiality protections against deportation for victims and special issues that arise for immigrant survivors accessing public benefits. Webinar attendees will receive access to tools, training materials, resources, and technical assistance to support their work with immigrant survivors and their children.

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