The Middlesex County Area Transit, Division of Transportation, has scheduled the Public Hearing for December 7th, at 10:00am to discuss the 2023 application for the Senior Citizens & Disabled Residents Transportation Assistance Program funded through Casino Revenue Funds. The Public Hearing will be held remotely and is open to the public by audio conference call only. Members of the public may participate remotely by calling one of the following numbers and entering the Webinar ID and Passcode:
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 295 305 250 273
Passcode: H38Xih
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Or call in (audio only)
+1 732-515-5844,,810593035# United States, Edison
Phone Conference ID: 810 593 035#
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2023 Short-Term Program Goals
Goal 1.
Launch the new CHSTP Plan.
Milestones 1: Create a chronological framework for implementation of the recommendations of the CHSTP Plan.
Milestones 2: Align MCAT Operations in support of the CHSTP.
Goal 2.
Consultant effort to enhance coordinated transportation
Milestones 1: Procure a consultant to conduct additional studies to assist in refinement of CHSTP recommendations.
Milestones 2: Finalize prioritization of recommendations.
Milestones 3: Implement recommendations.
Goal 3.
Enter a partnership with NJT for Access Link rides.
Milestones 1: Legislative Act S-2517: Greater Coordination Amongst Paratransit Services.
Milestones 1: Upgrade software and technology in support of NJ Paratransit Act S2517 (see attachment: Section II Q 1 Attachment).
Milestones 2: Evaluate the progress of Access Link transfer of paratransit trips