
Build Up Your Stress Armor

  • Date: 04/19/2023 11:00 AM  
  • Location: via Zoom

Our last Workforce Wednesday workshop touched on burnout and taught us how to predict it and prevent it. In the next episode of our FREE Workforce Wednesdays workshop series, the Middlesex County Office of Workforce Development and Career Opportunity continues on the theme of workplace wellness and invites Rita Garnto to present how to Build Up Your Stress Armor.

Stress is a matter of mental and physical health. When cortisol – “the stress hormone” – is constantly elevated, it can lead to psychological symptoms like anxiety, depression, and irritability, along with systemic, physiological symptoms, like fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, pain, high blood pressure, and even heart disease. Learning where stress comes from, how it affects our brain and body, and how to tell when we are stressed are three key steps towards improving our mental, physical, and emotional health. But fighting stress itself can be stressful, especially when you are already inundated with so many responsibilities and obligations, so the stress-busting solution needs to be simple and doable. Enter Rita Garnto, who wants to take you from CRAPPY to HAPPY with simple self-care.

Rita Garnto’s unique professional skill set is comprised of almost forty years of both Western and Eastern healthcare, combined with ample life experience to earn her the title of Simple Self-Care Expert and Stress-Buster Extraordinaire. In 2018, she released her book, Simple Self-Care Saved Me!, which gained an international following, and she has written a white paper on how using her copyrighted “simple self-care” can decrease the negative effects of stress overload. Through her in-person and virtual presentations, workshops, masterclass series, seminars, and Stress Less community, Rita’s goal is to provide advice that is relatable and practical, but also motivational, inspirational, and educational.

Are you ready to stress less and live happier? Take a deep breath, count to ten, and join MCOWDCO and Rita Garnto on Wednesday, April 19th at 11:00 am via Zoom for this free Workforce Wednesdays workshop,Build Up Your Stress Armor”! Click here to register!

If you've missed any of our recent workshops, or if you need a refresher on one you've attended, click here to view recordings of past events.

For information about Workforce Wednesdays and other upcoming events, along with other jobseeker or employer services, please call the Middlesex County Office of Workforce Development and Career Opportunity today at 732-745-3955 (general) or 732-293-1341 (youth 16-24).

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