As a current jobseeker, you may be looking for more than just a new job. You may find yourself thinking, “I want a new role with new responsibilities,” “I want to change industries,” or even both: “I want a whole new career.” While making the jump from one title or industry to another may require specialized training and new technical knowledge, you don’t have to leave behind everything you’ve built up over your job history. There is a broad category of transferable skills that travel with you across roles – things like social and communication skills, generalized technical skills, management skills, and so much more!
If you want to learn more about the different types of transferable skills, including how to recognize them, apply them, and maximize their potential in your job search, please join the Middlesex County Office of Career Opportunity, the South Brunswick Public Library, and the Sayreville Public Library on their virtual workshops about transferable skills.
Please click the Zoom link to join this virtual workshop: