Historic Preservation

Middlesex County’s historic resources are vast and diverse. The Division of History and Historic Preservation is a point of contact for historic preservation initiatives in Middlesex County, fielding inquiries from organizations managing historic structures as well as the handling of reviews of historic structures and sites impacted by Federal and State projects. Known as a Section 106 review, we respond to requests for input from the State Historic Preservation Office and other State agencies.

Projects the Division has Funded

Metuchen Battlefield   

 Metuchen Meeting House Battlefield 

In 2020, the National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program awarded a grant to Middlesex County to acquire and restore the Metuchen Meeting House Battlefield.
The Metuchen Meeting House Battlefield, which boasts 13.12 acres in Edison Township, is the only site in New Jersey to receive this grant from the National Park Service (NPS); the only Revolutionary War landmark to secure funding; and was the recipient of the highest grant amount awarded nationwide at $1,619,977 in 2020. 


This grant was part of a series of grants the NPS awarded to Kentucky, New Jersey, and Virginia to protect 221 acres of Civil War battlefields and 13 acres of Revolutionary War battlefields.